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Non-Specialty Trend

In 2023 we saw utilization increases across much of the non-specialty category. While several factors contributed to higher non-specialty growth, none of them made the impact that glucagon-like peptide 1s (GLP-1s) did.

As health plans, sponsors and consultants navigate the landscape of the non-specialty drug trend, access to clear, concise data as provided in this report is essential to inform their decision making. For a more in-depth analysis, download the Executive Summary.


Net Total Non-Specialty Cost Per Member Per Month (PMPM) for Commercial Clients in 2023

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Looking Back: Category Highlights in 2023


diabetes-01Unit cost increases across the diabetes category were directly tied to utilization growth in more expensive brand products, including glucagon-like peptide 1s (GLP-1s) and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors used to treat type 2 diabetes. In 2023, utilization of these products increased by 30% and 20% respectively, resulting in a year-over-year cost trend of 15% within the category. 

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Within these marketplace dynamics, and to help clients control use to approved diabetes indication, Navitus implemented a pharmacy point-of-service diagnosis check. Those clients who implemented the point-of-sale utilization management control mitigated 30% of prescription fills by preventing those without an appropriate diagnosis.

Despite limiting off-label use, diabetic GLP-1 medications were the biggest contributor to trend growth in 2023. This single class of medication increased the total trend by 1.7%. As these products continue to gain favor as an early treatment for the ongoing treatment of type 2 diabetes, we expect to see these medications play a significant role in driving future trend.


Mental Health

mental healthMore than one in five members used a medication for mental health in 2023.

Of note, a generic launched for Latuda® (lurasidone), indicated for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Utilization of the generic was strong, achieving a 95% generic dispensing rate and driving down cost by 25% for the category.

Vyvanse® (lisdexamfetamine), prescribed for treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), was the most utilized brand in its class. Even though a generic became available, drug shortages reduced competition across the category and limited price reductions.



Overall, there was a 2% decrease in vaccine utilization in 2023. However, costs increased because of expensive new vaccines coming to market, including for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

Medical Devices

medical devices-01The medical device category includes products such as continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) and wearable insulin pumps for patients with diabetes. CGMs are costly and may exceed $1000 per month. Usage of these devices grew by 50% in 2023, which contributed to increased spend in the category by 40% over the previous year.

Download Your Free Copy of the 2023 Drug Trend Report Executive Summary

An in-depth analysis of trend, pipeline and GLP-1 management approaches



The Navitus drug trend is calculated by comparing the net total cost per member per month (PMPM) for 2023 to that for 2022. Net cost PMPM represents full-year (Q1-Q4) data for total member copays and plan paid amounts minus manufacturer rebates and fees. This value is divided by the total number of members and by 12 months of the year.

Net total cost PMPM trend consists of two components: utilization and cost and includes both specialty and non-specialty drugs. Utilization trend measures the change in total days of therapy. Cost trend measures the change in net total drug cost per the above. This analysis included data for more than 500 clients, representing 3M members within Navitus’ commercial book of business, including plan sponsors and health plans. To be included, these organizations must have been clients of Navitus in both 2022 and 2023. Exclusions from this analysis include products administered at physicians’ offices, clinics and hospitals, COVID-19 vaccines and supplies, weight loss products and any additional savings from copay assistance programs.